Title: There is a Home in that Yonder City Author: Soujin Characters/Pairings: Mordred/Gwenhwyfach Rating: G Archive: Yes. Disclaimer: Copyright has presumably expired. Summary: Mordred finds comfort with his wife. Notes: Present for mhari.
Title: The End of Summer Author: Soujin Characters/Pairings: Sagramore/Gwenhwyfach Rating: R Archive: Sure Disclaimer: Copyright has presumably expired. Summary: More Last Days badthings. Notes: Double-drabble for get_laid25.
Title: And The Shadows Flee Away Author: Mhari Fandom: Arthurian Characters/Pairing: Mordred/Gwenhwyfach Rating: PG-13 Words: 100 Disclaimer: The words are mine, the characters are everyone's. Summary: I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine. Notes/Warnings: Not technically an original character. :) Drabble for get_laid25, x-posted to rarelitslash.